Competence Based Curriculum

CBC is the latest curriculum reform in the Kenyan education system. It is designed to focus on nurturing learners' competencies, skills, and talents, rather than solely emphasizing academic achievement. At Blossom Education Centre, we have embraced the CBC to provide students with a holistic and learner-centered approach to education. Key features of the CBC at our school include:

Competency Development

We prioritize the development of key competencies such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration. Our curriculum encourages students to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts.

Continuous Assessment

We employ ongoing assessment methods to gauge each student's progress and adapt our teaching strategies accordingly. This allows us to provide personalized support and address individual learning needs effectively.

Integrated Learning:

We promote cross-curricular integration, fostering a holistic understanding of subjects. This approach encourages students to connect knowledge across various disciplines, promoting a well-rounded education.