Our History

In the heart of our vibrant community, a humble beginning marked the birth of our school in 2007. With just three young students, who were once scrap collectors in the alleys of our town, we embarked on a mission to transform lives through education.

These brave, curious souls became the foundation of our school, representing the resilience and potential that exists within every child. With unwavering dedication, our passionate educators and community rallied together to provide a nurturing environment where these students could thrive academically and personally.

Year after year, our school's reputation for excellence and inclusivity continued to grow. Today, we proudly serve over 2010+ learners, each with their unique aspirations and dreams. Our journey from three to three hundred is a testament to the power of education to uplift and empower.

As we look to the future, we remain committed to our core values of compassion, knowledge, and community. We are determined to provide every student who enters our doors with the tools they need to reach for the stars and achieve their dreams.

"We Blossom Together."

Blossom Education Centre